Sunday, May 1, 2011

G. Our river of suffering and death serves a purpose

Shakir Books 
Our purpose up the mess we left from previous lives, and to attain soul growth through the evolution of body and soul. People who choose to be born into a life of extreme suffering through handicaps, have decided to attain greater soul growth in a single lifetime than most people. There is also evidence that such people are actually more spiritually evolved than most, who have chosen a difficult life in order to also teach and help others attain soul growth. Even in the Bible, this principle can be found. When the disciples asked Jesus why a man is born blind, his answer was to glorify God. I have found this principle in near-death experiences as well. Here is an example:
  "I wanted to talk with Jesus. I had a very important question to ask him. A beam of light, different from yet similar to the first one, covered me. I knew this light was Christ. I leaned against it for one moment and then asked my question. "Dear Jesus, is it true that you gave me this heart condition so that I would have a cross to carry like you did?" (Sister Agnes, my sixth-grade teacher, had told me that my heart condition was my cross to bear from Christ.) I heard the voice of Christ vibrate through me as he said, "No, this heart condition of yours is not a cross from me for you to bear. This heart condition is a challenge to help you grow and stay compassionate. Now, go back." (Lynn)
for returning to Earth is to learn important lessons of love, to clean 

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