Saturday, August 22, 2015

Most Important Information about The Compensation System DXN

Most important information about the compensation system DXN

As revenues are generated in the MLM business

Everyone who has heard of MLM or has worked in it knows that to achieve a certain level a very large amount won. So it makes no sense to calculate how much you can win if you have a few associate members and ask them a few packets of coffee from time to time for their own consumption. I'll help: little, we can say nothing.

At first the money comes from direct sales, the margin in the MLM business. You buy the product at wholesale price and sell it at retail price. Do not do it! For your own interest. Because if you do not get members, you will reach the point where you would come up with any other commercial work: to make money, you have to sell. To my knowledge, most people associated with this business to achieve passive income, to become financially independent. Why not sell the products.You have to "sell" the opportunity to be a regular customer. No big deal out how many products you have to buy for the partnership business worthwhile. I advise that instead of the product you offer the possibility to buy discount if you do not want to do the business of multilevel (or just do not know) only buy the product for their own consumption.

Naturally, this does not mean you have to send to those who want to buy one package. No, they have to sell it. The only thing you have to be clear is that this is not your goal, because in MLM the most important thing is to copy the way to work. If you dedicate yourself to sell products rather than the possibility of becoming a member, your attitude your members copied (or copied will not have anything because members). If you are unwrapped and show the opportunity (and not the product) in a natural way people will like, therefore, they also want to do it and in the same way as you.

Obligations and demands compensation system DXN

One of the reasons why I decided to work with DXN is the lack of obligations and requirements with other MLM businesses.

I should add that I would have started even if there these obligations and requirements. The product, Ganoderma coffee as healthy coffee is a guarantee of success alone.

But let's see the obligations which usually discourage most MLM members although, according to those who succeed, without them no cash business. For my part, I do not agree with this concept. Maybe you can push a person to obtain certain results, but long-term stays only have a personal and internal motivation. It is very difficult (if not impossible) to create this internal motivation with external influences.
With the help of a motivational coach can temporarily get very positive results, but this is not enough for the final success. To achieve this it is necessary that you are convinced, a of what you do, you have faith in what you do and who you work with perseverance.

In the compensation system DXN no difference between regulars and business customers.Therefore, if someone becomes a regular customer, you can do business as well. To retain their status as regular client must purchase at least one product a year.

If you want to receive commission for their own purchases, you have to buy 100 points in that month. Each product has value in points,I noted that "compulsory purchase" of the 100 monthly points is important only if you want to receive your commission for purchases in that month. If you do not fulfill this condition, nothing happens just will not receive that commission month.

If someone wants to get commission for the purchase of the members of his group, that group have to shop for at least 200 points.

The above requirements are so minimal that if someone manages only these results, their pay will not be noteworthy.

Points are accumulated for purchases not only within the month, but continuously, so if someone makes a purchase for 100 points and 800 group within that month, will begin next month from the level of 900 points.

The points are important only to the level Star Agent (directivol level, 4500 points) that can be done in five months with monthly 900 points.

The DXN MLM system is free of pressing media present in other MLM systems, such as monthly annulment mandatory qualifications, etc.

Commissions in DXN MLM system

The DXN MLM business group has several commissions

Comison group _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6% - 21%
Comison Star group _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _25% - 37%
Comison development _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _15%
shared Comisón International __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2%
Comisón managers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _15%
Incentive training trip _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2%
Incentive HP in cash (once - when you get the SR level) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _130 euros
Incentive trip abroad in cash (once - when you have 5 SA Direct -s) _ _ 900 euros

Your income is the commission of the points scored by the first level next to you.

To achieve the levels Star Agent (managerial level) and Star Diamond (diamond managerial level) several commissions directors are provided based on the total circulation of the group that does not depend on the level next to you. The condition to reach management levels is the number and type of directors that are in your group.

 DXN optimal business

The most important is the fast start!

Basics in the MLM business is copied. How much time do you spend in business without results less credible will affirm the greatness of this business.But if people see that your business grows effortlessly and quickly, will partner with a vengeance.

Do not seal up this opportunity, discuss this with the most possible people personally, send your website to many known and you'll see, like you, they also want to be associated with this great business. Do you have questions?
joine us
Your Sponser Code Is 280010437 Name.Shakir Rehman More Info Visit

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